
Mercedes Magazine

Mercedes Magazine Mercedes Magazine is the Russian version of the international publication Mercedes Magazine, which has been published since 2002 by the Russian representative office of Daimler AG. Mercedes Magazine is a part of an integrated international program for the development of client relations. Published in 34 languages, it is distributed in more than 100 countries around the world, with a total circulation of over 3 million copies.

Mercedes Magazine is distributed:
  • to the data base of the owners of Mercedes-Benz automobiles purchased during the last four years from an official Mercedes-Benz dealer in Russia;
  • among visitors to official Mercedes-Benz dealers in Russia;
  • to the data base of actual and potential VIP clients;
  • at promotional events conducted by the Daimler AG concern in Russia, and its associates.
A person who purchases a Mercedes-Benz automobile is distinguished by an ideal balance between a striving for a dynamic life filled with exciting events, and a healthy conservatism. Mercedes Magazine targets this particular readership, which rightly regards their cars not only as a symbol of impeccable quality, but also as proof of success in life, and a lofty position in society.

While recommending to the reader specific material values, this magazine does not ignore moral and intellectual values. Overviews and materials dedicated to art, history, and culture are well received by readers with excellent taste and a wide range of interests.

The readers of the magazine are very active. They patronize restaurants, movie theaters, beauty salons, sports clubs, and casinos. 96% of the readers travel abroad at least once a year.

The longer readers have been acquainted with Mercedes Magazine, the more faithful they become. 65% of the readership has been referring to the magazine for more than a year. Each year, the magazine attracts 35% more new readers

Download Media Kit (PDF, 1 Mb)   Download the latest issue of the magazine (№13, PDF, 25 Mb)

Published since: 2002
Frequency: 4 issues a year
Circulation: 23000 copies
Publisher: SK Press
Publishing Director: Eugene Adlerov
General Director: Leonid Teplitsky
Publisher: Anatoly Eides


Editor-in-Chief: Andrey Rodionov
Editor: Lipkin Dmitry
Tel.: +7 (495) 974-22-60
Fax: +7 (495) 974-22-63


Co-publisher, advertising director: Grigory Shushurin
Tel.: +7 (495) 974-22-60
Fax: +7 (495) 974-22-63

Our address

109147, Moscow, Marksistskaya, 34, bldg. 10
SK Press Publishers
Mercedes Magazine

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